Weekly Schedule for Quake


Check out our summer activities here

During the School Year:

Each week we gather from 6-8pm on Sundays for youth group. There are options during this time for student participation in a variety of ways. Doors open at 5:30pm.

Quake Schedule: 

Worship & Message - 6pm in the Upper Room

Snack Shack - 6:45pm in Daniel's Den ($1.50/slice of pizza & $.50 for can of pop)

Life Groups - 7:15pm in various rooms and broken down by age & gender

Fellowship Night: Is a night of fellowship with games and a family-style meal for free on the first Sunday of the month (except for March). 

Breakfast Club is a great way for students to fellowship before school on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. We meet at McDonalds by Mill Valley at 6:30am and rides to Marysville High School (MHS & STEM) and Bunsold Middle School are available. Remember if there is a delay, Breakfast Club will be delayed that amount of time. 

Weekly Schedule for Outbreak (5th & 6th Grade)

Marysville First UMC Youth Ministry for students in 5th-6th grades is on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm!

Outbreak exists as a way to form our 5th and 6th graders in the love of Christ and allow them to experience youth ministry before they join our larger program of Quake. Our lessons are centered around loving God and loving others, with practical application to their lives at school. 

Outbreak has a monthly rotation of these five sessions:

1. Learn: We take a passage of scripture and discuss how it applies to our lives and what God desires for us. 

2. Become: We offer workshops that teach kids skills (like playing chess, making a headband, doing a memory book, building birdhouses, etc) to help them see how God wants to use the gifts and talents they have to glorify him. 

3. Enjoy: We will have a Scriptual devotion, play some games, and enjoy a time of fellowship together. 

4. Service: We take an opportunity to put our lessons into practice by serving others through making cookies for prisoners, doing Operation Christmas Child, making Valentines Cards for nursing home residents, and more. 

5. Lead: On this night, which will happen twice this year, the High School volunteers will be taking over to lead the message, activities, games, and worship.