Series Breakdown & Resources

(Make sure to read the section below for the overview of the series)

Love Vs Lust                  (Feb 23)

Preview Resources - message overview, information questions, & more: 

click here!

Life Group Q&A

Click here!

Follow-Up Resources - message overview, questions, Scriptures, and additional resources: 

click here! 

Significant Others / Dating (Mar 9)

Preview Resources - message overview, information questions, & more:

click here!

Life Group Q&A

Click here!

Follow-Up Resources - message overview, questions, Scriptures, and additional resources:

click here! 

Singleness & Marriage (March 16)

Preview Resources - message overview, information questions, & more:

click here!

Life Group Q&A

Click here!

Follow-Up Resources - message overview, questions, Scriptures, and additional resources:

click here! 

Real Relationships Series OVERVIEW:

Hello parents,


There are several key topics we believe we need to walk through with students on a regular basis. One such topic is challenging students to navigate relationships and sexuality in a way that honors God. The reality is that the world around us is presenting (and even promoting) a message that you are defined by your relational and sexual pursuits. It’s something we HAVE TO be talking about at home and in the church.


Over the next three Quake lessons in our series REAL Relationships as we talk about love vs lust, significant other (dating), and singleness & marriage. Below is a chart with dates and more information on each topic.


We have already had three lessons on basic relationships – God & Yourself, Friends & Others, and Parents. We are moving onto the next part of this series. As I have prayed, processed, and prepared for this series, there have been three very important goals I am keeping in mind:

1.   We want to take a holistic approach. The temptation is to oversimplify this topic with students by saying, “Don’t have sex ‘til you’re married,” which is 100% accurate. Yet, in the process, we brush over the significant layers that are present developmentally as well as culturally with unlimited internet access in the palm of a student’s hand (aka the phones and tablets most students have today). These messages will focus on pursuing sexual integrity in all areas of our lives. This is only done in the strength and grace of Jesus, as we walk through a sexually broken world.

2.   We want to remain age-appropriate in our content. This can be tricky with varying ages in the room (7th graders to 12th graders) and varying convictions and preferences of different homes. Here are a few clarifying points.

  •       This series IS NOT a “sex ed. course.” We will not be getting into biology and/or mechanics. We’ll save that for you to discuss!
  •       This series IS a “theological course” on God’s design and desire for all types of relationship. As well as, God’s design and desire for sex.
  •       If we were to put a rating on this series, we would give it a light PG-13 rating. Content will be presented in a straightforward, but God-honoring way.

    3.   We want to set parents/guardians up to WIN! We want our conversations to be something that can create further conversation in the home. We also want parents to make the call on what level they will be engaging in this series based on where they discern their students to be in this conversation. Here are several things we will be doing to help you along the way:
  •       This is email is our first step by giving overview of where we are heading. Check below for a week-by-week breakdown explaining our topics.
  •       An email will go out every week before giving a little more detailed direction on where we are heading that week.
  •       A follow-up email will go out every night after Quake (or pick up sheet at check-out) with very notes from our night as well as discussion questions.
  •       If you don’t feel your student is ready to have these conversations, we get it. That’s why we are giving you all of the details up front so you can make the call.



REAL Relationships Series Breakdown




Big Idea

Key Teaching Points


God & You, Others & Friends, & Parents

Putting Jesus at the center of all relationships.
Honoring & obeying our parents.

God created us with a need for relationship.

Relationships get messy when they push us away from God or when they become god (idols) in our lives. Honoring, obeying, and loving our parents.

2/23 (due to cancellation on 2/16)

Love v. Lust

Lust is selfish.
Love is selfless.
Flee from sexual immorality.

God is the source of true love and his greatest display of love was selfless sacrifice.

Lust is a distortion of love.

There is an elephant in the room called “Pornography” and we need to talk about it.

3/9 (due to cancellation on 2/16)

Significant Others (Dating)

Unless I'm wholeheartedly pursuing a relationship with Christ, all other relationships will be a hopeless attempt to fill that void.

The Bible does not have a lot to directly say about dating. The Bible does speak to some key principles to live by in dating. Obeying parents rules about dating.

3/16 (due to cancellation on 2/16)

Singleness & Marriage

Unless I'm wholeheartedly pursuing a relationship with Christ, all other relationships will be a hopeless attempt to fill that void.

Biblical approach to singleness and marriage. God’s design for singleness. God’s design for sex in marriage between husband and wife.  



Please join us in prayer as we go on this journey together. We trust that this will not only prove to be a valuable series, but that we will students more excited than ever to wholeheartedly pursue a relationship with Jesus above all else.


We Love Partnering with you,

Pastor Mark & Quake Leaders